While it might not fit nicely on a name tag, the phrase “jack of all trades” fits George to a T. “Whatever they need, I’m here for,” he says. “It might be minor repairs, stocking shelves, what have you. I just like to help.”
A volunteer at the Senior Center for nearly a decade, George was recognized by the NH State Commission On Aging in 2021 for his volunteer service as the Coos County representative. The annual Older Adult Volunteer Award dates back 60 years and is an annual celebration of volunteerism among those 60 and older in the Granite State. “It was a nice honor to be recognized,” he says. “But I’m just doing something I like to do. . .I’m glad to be of help.”

And volunteer support literally runs in this family as George’s wife, Lise, is also a regular volunteer at the Senior Center. A retired nurse, she is able to help with some of the clinics by taking people’s blood pressure and while her volunteer hours don’t always coincide with George’s, she likes the fact that volunteer service is something they both have in common. “We’re not always here at the same time, but odds are that one or both of us is here most every day,” she laughs. “The Center is such an important gathering spot, not just for the meals and programs but also a place for people to connect.”

Another of Lise’s roles at the Center is to intake for new clients. “It’s gratifying when we’re able to get people enrolled in our programs,” she says. “In many cases, they didn’t know what services were available and are surprised and thank you to know what is available to help them.”