DIANNA MULVEY, Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels

Prior to joining SNMOW, Dianna did not know much about the service or the need.  “There is a lot of need out there and this is so much more than just a meal.  We provide social contacts for our clients.  Sometimes we might be the only outside person they see each week.”

She joined the agency several years ago and has done a variety of jobs including food prep and processing, packing, meal deliverer, and currently is the the Rochester Site Manager.  Today, she was filling in for a regular driver covering a  route that stretches across Rochester, Farmington, Stafford, and Milton.

“We’re like a little family,” is how Dianna describes the team at SNMOW.  “All of us are here for the same reason- the clients.  This is an awesome team!”