Strafford Nutrition and Meals on Wheels (SNMOW) has been a fixture in Stafford County since 1973. With a combination of local support and funding from the Older Americans Act (OAA), the organization works to help area seniors maintain maximum independence and h quality of life as they age.
Administered under the umbrella of the Somersworth Housing Authority for many years, SNMOW became an independent 501C3 nonprofit agency in 2014. This move was necessary to give the agency the freedom to raise additional revenue in an effort to meet the growing demands for services for seniors in Strafford County.
Today, our employees, volunteers and board operate under three core values: care, compassion, and commitment. The “3 C’s” are part of all that we do-from planning a nutritious and appetizing menu for our clients, to developing efficient and cost-effective delivery routes, to connecting clients dealing with health issues to key resources. As has been the case since our inception, this agency is dedicated to supporting seniors and low-income adults with disabilities across our communities.

DHA Waldron Towers, 3 Green Street, Dover
RHA Wellsweep, 77 Olde Farm Lane, Rochester
SHA Flanagan Center, 25 Bartlett Avenue, Somersworth
SHA Charpentier Building, 28 Franklin Street, Somersworth
Towns Served:
Barrington, Dover, Durham, Farmington, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Rochester, Rollinsford, Somersworth, Strafford
Zip Codes Served:
03815, 03820, 03821, 03822, 03823, 03824, 03825, 03835, 03839, 03851, 03852, 03855, 03861, 03866, 03867, 03868, 03869, 03878, 03884